Welcome to my Intro to Geography ePortfolio! This portfolio will be a place for me to showcase my work and learning throughout the course. I will be using it to document my progress, reflect on my learning, and share my thoughts and ideas with you.

I am excited to start this course and learn more about geography. I am particularly interested in learning about the physical features of the Earth, the human impact on the environment, and the different cultures of the world.

I hope you will enjoy following my journey through this course. I look forward to sharing my work with you!

Cross-disciplinary Connections

The Intro to Geography course had a number of cross-disciplinary connections. For example, we learned about the physical features of the Earth, which is also covered in geology. We also learned about the human impact on the environment, which is also covered in environmental science. These cross-disciplinary connections helped me to see how geography is related to other disciplines.

Broader Applicability

The Intro to Geography course also had a number of broader applications. For example, we learned about the importance of considering the local context when solving problems, which is a skill that is applicable in many different fields. We also learned about the need for a holistic approach to solving problems, which is another skill that is applicable in many different fields. These broader applications helped me to see how geography can be used to solve real-world problems.

Personal Life Connection

The Intro to Geography course also had a personal life connection for me. For example, I learned about the issue of hunger, which is a problem that I care about deeply. I also learned about the importance of collaboration, which is something that I value in my own life. These personal connections helped me to see how geography can be used to make a difference in the world.

Students as Learners

The Intro to Geography course also helped me to reflect on myself as a learner. For example, I learned that I am a better learner when I am interested in the material. I also learned that I am a better learner when I am able to see the connections between the material and my own life. These reflections helped me to become a more effective learner.

Process to Create Signature Assignments

The signature assignments in the Intro to Geography course were designed to help us to apply the skills that we learned in the class. For example, one signature assignment was to develop a proposal for a solution to the problem of hunger in Georgia. This assignment helped me to apply my knowledge of geography to a real-world problem.

Overall, the Intro to Geography course was a valuable experience for me. I learned a lot about geography, and I also learned a lot about myself as a learner. I am grateful for the opportunity to have taken this class.

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